Our Portfolio

Our Work Showcase

We adhere to strict standards when searching for Each project is a testament to our passion for delivering innovative solutions that meet the unique needs of our clients. and negotiating with sellers for our buyer's agent clients.

James Xu

Melbourne, Australia

James Xu – 0 To 5 property purchase with 7 streams of rental income.

Turning first time investor to build 3.3M investment property portfolio in 3 capital cities. How he did it.

James is a very hard-working family man and in Melbourne who has developed a reasonable cash position, allowing him to plan for numerous property purchases. He was first time investor and seeking to accumulate wealth through property investment, however, felt that he didn’t have the right team with the ideal, lending strategy, research, and execution capabilities around him to hit his goals.

Zhenning Zhang – Lesson from Mistakes, Scaling portfolios to 3 different cities.

Zhenning is hard working mom, and she has invested in property for many years in Melbourne before reaching us out. She has invested heavily in Off the Plan CBD apartments and House Land Package assets, unfortunately the property hasn’t helped her to build up equity growth that much and property portfolio is heavily negatively geared. She has reached us out in 2022 and we have helped her to have better lending solutions and asset selection.

Zhenning Zhang

Melbourne, Australia

Robin & Jessie

Sydney, Australia

The Unseen World Of Off-Market Properties x 3 sets of off market investment in high growth area

Robin and Jessie are successful business owner and entrepreneur in Sydney, who has developed a reasonable cash position, allowing him to plan for numerous property purchases. He has owned few properties in Sydney, but he is first time invest in interstate, so he is looking for trusted adviser who is able to accumulate wealth through property investment, however, felt that he didn’t have the right team with the ideal, strategy, research, and execution capabilities around him to hit his goals.

David & Jenny in Brisbane - First Time property investor & migrant achieves $200k equity gain from 3 below market value off market purchase in 2 months.

David and Jenny are return migrants from Shanghai China, achieving success in their line of hard work in business development leads to serious access to capital.

David and Jenny Jiang

Brisbane, Australia

Fanyi and Jessica

Melbourne, Australia

Fanyi and Jessica – Lesson from Mistakes, building real time property portfolio.

Fanyi and Jessica is lovely young couple. They are experienced investor and homeowner in Melbourne.

Jacob – Where to Buy Next? 3 Off-Market Investments in 6 months

Jacob is a very hard-working successful business owner & property investor who has developed a significant size of investment property portfolio in NSW. He has built up large amounts of asset in Sydney property market, he is looking to diversify investment and looking for someone to assist his purchase journey because he has limited time and resource to allocate.


Sydney, Australia

Chen Xu & Lei

Brisbane, Australia

Chen Xu & Lei – The power of ignoring the noise and take action.

Chen is hardworking IT professional, mom, and property investor in Gold Coast. They are new migrant in Australia, so they have tried to accumulate households’ wealth through property investment. They have invested in property mainly Brisbane market only because they live in and know well. And they want to achieve capital growth through property investment in a short time and they are happy to invest everywhere.

Yuan Dai – Experienced QLD investor, expanding portfolio to WA through bargain hunting.

Yuan is hard working IT professional and experienced property investor in Brisbane. Thanks to Brisbane housing boom, he has achieved decent equity growth through property investment.

Yuan Dai

Brisbane, Australia

Linda Zhou

Melbourne, Australia

Linda Zhou – Hard working career woman in her 20’s goes 2 investment properties in 12 month

Linda is hard working career woman in Melbourne, she is first time investor, and she was referred from an introduction by her mortgage broker. She is looking for investment property to accumulate the wealth, but she is not keen to invest in Melbourne housing market because of limited capitals and cash flows. And she has limited time to research to visit the property to inspect.

Yue Hu - Low Deposit/ Low Borrowing capacity – No problem you can still start to invest in property.

First Time Investor Achieves $220k Equity Growth (30%) in 12 months from two affordable house.

Yue is first time investor and home buyer in Alice Springs. She wants to invest in property where can achieve the decent capital growth, but she does not know where to buy and thinks Alice Spring is not a right place to invest in and her budget is quite limited to major cities. Believing in the power of building a team of experts around him, Yue reached out to us in 2022 to start building the successful property portfolio that she had envisioned, and her maximum budget was only around $400k.

Yue Hu

Alice Springs, Australia

Lisa San

Sydney, Australia

Lisa San – Screening buyer’s agent in the industry for the best outcome.

Lisa is very hard-working finance professionals in Sydney, she owns property in Sydney, and she has experienced investing in interstate. She wants to invest in Perth market, and she has been looking for the best buyer’s agent to work with for a while and has decided to work with Winspro eventually.

Bellinda and Skye are sophisticated property investor who have achieved significant equity growth in Brisbane property boom. We met them in early 2022 to consult next step of investment journey. We recommend them to diversify investment asset not only stick to Brisbane only where the new boom cycle will come into play.

Bellinda and Skye have bought 2 investment grade houses in growth potential location in Perth. The total purchase price for two assets is only $800k, decent size of land house with over 6% rental yield. 18 months passed, both properties are worth over $1.1M with equity gain of $300k.

Bellinda and Skye

Brisbane, Australia

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